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Google searches for 'where can i stream friends' correlates with...

VariableCorrelationYearsHas img?
Votes for Republican Senators in West Virginiar=0.996yrsYes!
Solar power generated in Omanr=0.979yrsNo
Popularity of the 'wojak' memer=0.9318yrsNo
Lululemon's stock price (LULU)r=0.9216yrsYes!
Votes for Republican Senators in Delawarer=0.896yrsYes!
Eli Lilly and Company's stock price (LLY)r=0.8619yrsNo
Visitors to Disneylandr=-0.9315yrsNo

Google searches for 'where can i stream friends' also correlates with...

VariableCorrelationYearsSys. Score
Biomass power generated in Ukrainer=0.9513yrs403
Solar power generated in Saudi Arabiar=0.9610yrs402
Total views on Steve Mould's YouTube videosr=0.9315yrs376
Total likes of Steve Mould's YouTube videosr=0.9215yrs375
Average length of SmarterEveryDay YouTube videosr=0.917yrs374
DexCom's stock price (DXCM)r=0.9118yrs370
Dollar General's stock price (DG)r=0.9314yrs370
Air pollution in Jackson, Wyomingr=0.9412yrs352
The number of social workers in Tennesseer=0.9413yrs350
The number of farm equipment mechanics in New Hampshirer=0.9412yrs349
The number of set and exhibit designers in Alabamar=0.9213yrs347
Biomass power generated in Kazakhstanr=0.979yrs342
MSCI Inc.'s stock price (MSCI)r=0.9116yrs338
Solar power generated in Boliviar=0.9114yrs328
Air pollution in Washington Court House, Ohior=0.9113yrs318
The number of compliance officers in Alabamar=0.9213yrs317
Average length of LEMMiNO YouTube videosr=0.9212yrs312
The number of social workers in Nevadar=0.9213yrs307
Average length of Computerphile YouTube videosr=0.9211yrs301
Air pollution in Jamestown, New Yorkr=0.958yrs300
Thomson Reuters' stock price (TRI)r=0.8919yrs298
Total comments on Steve Mould's YouTube videosr=0.8915yrs290
Fair Isaac's stock price (FICO)r=0.8919yrs288
Solar power generated in Kazakhstanr=0.9410yrs288
Master's degrees awarded in Military technologiesr=0.8910yrs282
Bachelor's degrees awarded in Military technologiesr=0.8810yrs281
Votes for Democratic Senators in Georgiar=0.956yrs281
The average number of likes on MrBeast's YouTube videosr=0.9112yrs280
Paypal's Number of Active Registered User Accountsr=0.8613yrs278
Solar power generated in Irelandr=0.9113yrs277
T-Mobile Us' stock price (TMUS)r=0.8916yrs276
Votes for Republican Senators in Georgiar=0.926yrs276
The number of MRI technicians in Pennsylvaniar=0.9511yrs270
Solar power generated in United Arab Emiratesr=0.9113yrs267
Cintas' stock price (CTAS)r=0.8719yrs266
Air pollution in Raleigh, North Carolinar=0.938yrs266
Master's degrees awarded in Psychologyr=0.8510yrs262
The number of bailiffs in Kansasr=0.8918yrs259
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.'s stock price (AJG)r=0.8719yrs256
Liquefied petroleum gas used in Armeniar=0.8817yrs254
Average length of Technology Connections YouTube videosr=0.959yrs254
The number of computer network support specialists in Kentuckyr=0.9411yrs248
ST Microelectronics' stock price (STM)r=0.8719yrs246
Air pollution in Manchester, New Hampshirer=0.917yrs238
The number of psychiatric technicians in Indianar=0.8917yrs236
Popularity of the 'spiderman pointing' memer=0.8518yrs234
Average views of MrBeast's YouTube videosr=0.912yrs229
The number of mobile heavy equipment mechanics in Michiganr=0.8818yrs226
Mastercard's stock price (MA)r=0.8717yrs224
Solar power generated in Russiar=0.9110yrs224
The number of truck drivers in Arizonar=0.9113yrs216
The Progressive Corporation's stock price (PGR)r=0.8619yrs214
Air pollution in Seneca, South Carolinar=0.8912yrs214
The number of nurse practitioners in Alaskar=0.9311yrs206
Solar power generated in Hungaryr=0.8914yrs205
KLA Corporation's stock price (KLAC)r=0.8619yrs204
Popularity of the 'i am once again' memer=0.8418yrs202
Air pollution in Wausau, Wisconsinr=0.8810yrs201
The number of human resources specialists in Idahor=0.9311yrs196
TransDigm Group's stock price (TDG)r=0.8717yrs194
Popularity of the first name Giannar=0.8418yrs194
Popularity of the first name Kaceyr=0.8418yrs194
Popularity of the first name Dionr=0.8418yrs194
Solar power generated in Malaysiar=0.8615yrs192
US household spending on home maintenancer=0.818yrs189
Annual US household spending on household furnishings and equipmentr=0.7918yrs188
US household spending on household furnishings and equipmentr=0.7918yrs188
The number of phlebotomists in Wisconsinr=0.9211yrs186
Franco-Nevada's stock price (FNV)r=0.8816yrs184
Petroluem consumption in Armeniar=0.8517yrs179
The number of computer network architects in Alabamar=0.9211yrs175
Willis Towers Watson's stock price (WTW)r=0.8619yrs174
Average length of OverSimplified YouTube videosr=0.897yrs168
Solar power generated in Seychellesr=0.98yrs166
Searches for 'never gonna give you up'r=0.818yrs166
The number of market research analysts in Delawarer=0.9211yrs165
Synopsys' stock price (SNPS)r=0.8519yrs162
Popularity of the first name Shayr=0.8118yrs159
The number of market research analysts in Idahor=0.9211yrs155
How geeky PBS Space Time YouTube video titles arer=0.869yrs155
Cadence Design Systems' stock price (CDNS)r=0.8619yrs152
Popularity of the first name Billier=0.8118yrs149
The number of computer network architects in Marylandr=0.9211yrs145
Motorola Solutions' stock price (MSI)r=0.8519yrs142
Solar power generated in New Caledoniar=0.8910yrs141
Popularity of the first name Sonnyr=0.8118yrs139
The number of nurse practitioners in Missourir=0.9211yrs135
Wind power generated in Dominican Republicr=0.8613yrs130
Popularity of the first name Hallier=0.818yrs128
The number of computer network architects in Oklahomar=0.9211yrs125
Solar power generated in Albaniar=0.8612yrs118
Popularity of the first name Xiomarar=0.818yrs118
The average number of likes on Steve Mould's YouTube videosr=0.8515yrs110
Solar power generated in Mozambiquer=0.8710yrs73
Electricity generation in Niuer=0.8317yrs24
Renewable energy production in Saint Vincent/Grenadinesr=0.8317yrs14


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You caught me! While it would be intuitive to sort only by "correlation," I have a big, weird database. If I sort only by correlation, often all the top results are from some one or two very large datasets (like the weather or labor statistics), and it overwhelms the page.

I can't show you *all* the correlations, because my database would get too large and this page would take a very long time to load. Instead I opt to show you a subset, and I sort them by a magic system score. It starts with the correlation, but penalizes variables that repeat from the same dataset. (It also gives a bonus to variables I happen to find interesting.)
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